Jurist*in (Umweltrecht)

Weiterbildung & Karriere

Weiterführende Bildungsmöglichkeiten und Höherqualifizierung:

Art: Universitätslehrgang

Dauer: 4 Semester

Form: Vollzeit

NQR-Level: 7  ISCED-Level: 7  ECTS-Punkte: 120  


  • a degree of at least 180 ECTS from an accredited institution of higher education (university, college)
  • excellent command of English


Master of Science (MSc)


In Kooperation zwischen der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien und der TU Wien.

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch; einzelne Kurse auch in Französisch und Deutsch

Kosten: EUR 14.700,00 pro Jahr

Professionals and university students of all disciplines and nationalities holding at least a first university degree who are interested in a career in businesses and organisations dealing with the current and future challenges of the environment and sustainable development

The MSc ETIA programme covers a wide range of topics. The focus of the technical and scientific programme at TU Wien is placed on the quality management of air and water, the management of resources and energy as well as topics regarding climate change and sustainable development. The international studies at the DA deal with legal, economic and political issues.

Weitere Infos: https://www.da-vienna.ac.at/en/Programmes/MSc-Environmental-Technology-International-Affairs-ETIA


Diplomatische Akademie Wien
Favoritenstraße 15a
1040 Wien

Tel.: +43 (0)1 / 505 72 72
E-Mail: info@da-vienna.ac.at
Online-Kontakt: https://www.da-vienna.ac.at/en/About/Location-Contact
Internet: http://www.da-vienna.ac.at

Technische Universität Wien - Academy for Continuing Education
Operngasse 11/17
1040 Wien

Tel.: +43 (0)1 / 588 01 -41701
Fax: +43 (0)1 / 588 01 -41799
E-Mail: office@cec.tuwien.ac.at
Internet: http://cec.tuwien.ac.at


Technische Universität Wien - Academy for Continuing Education:

  • Engineering School
  • Business School
  • TU College
  • TU-WIFI-College


  • Immobilien & Bauen
  • Management & Leadership
  • Nachhaltigkeit & Energie
  • Technology & Engineering