
Weiterbildung & Karriere

Weiterführende Bildungsmöglichkeiten und Höherqualifizierung:

Art: Universitätslehrgang

Dauer: 2 Semester

Form: Berufsbegleitend


anerkannter Hochschulabschluss und/oder gleichwertige Qualifikationen


Zertifikat Corporate Responsibility & Business Ethics


This program targets any business professionals who deal with ethical situations and/or moral decision making: Chief executives, CSR managers, compliance managers and community affairs managers, managers who want to understand how organisations can put ethical commitments into practice as well as consultants and accountants who want to develop their competence in business ethics and corporate responsibility.

Although this programme mainly focuses on issues on the company level, also topics of general economic ethics as well as on managers' individual level are part of the program. All relevant new approaches to corporate responsibility and business ethics are included in the three levels of economy: macro, meso and micro level.
Participants will be provided with a strong theoretical and analytical background and the possibility to demonstrate the developed skills in specific case studies. Furthermore, a study trip will enable the students to access and practice business ethics and corporate responsibility. Unterrichtssprache: Englisch.


Universität für Weiterbildung Krems - Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Globalisierung - Department Wirtschafts- und Managementwissenschaften
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
3500 Krems

Tel.: +43 (0)2732 / 893 -2133
Fax: +43 (0)2732 / 893 -4100
E-Mail: bianca.hoebarth@donau-uni.ac.at
Internet: http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/wirtschaft

Art: Universitätslehrgang

Dauer: 4 Semester

Form: Berufsbegleitend und Vollzeit


anerkannter Hochschulabschluss oder gleichwertige Qualifikationen mit mindestens drei Jahren Berufserfahrung


Professional MBA Corporate Responsibility & Business Ethics


This program targets any business professionals who deal with ethical situations and/or moral decision making: Chief executives, CSR managers, compliance managers and community affairs managers, managers who want to understand how organisations can put ethical commitments into practice as well as consultants and accountants who want to develop their competence in business ethics and corporate responsibility.

The modules will be taught by an international faculty consisting of corporate ethics officers, consultants and leading academics in the field of business ethics. Furthermore, a study trip will enable the students to practically engage business ethics and corporate responsibility.
Sprache: Englisch
Quelle: Donau-Uni Krems


Universität für Weiterbildung Krems - Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Globalisierung - Department Wirtschafts- und Managementwissenschaften
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
3500 Krems

Tel.: +43 (0)2732 / 893 -2133
Fax: +43 (0)2732 / 893 -4100
E-Mail: bianca.hoebarth@donau-uni.ac.at
Internet: http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/wirtschaft